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  • Forums from the Biblioteca Virtual Miguel Cervantes: a list of interdisciplinary  forums linked to the collection of this virtual library.

  • Espora-L: ESPORA-L is the official electronic mail information and discussion list for the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies (SSPHS). The list serves as a forum for debate and discussion of all aspects of Portuguese and Spanish history and culture, in any chronological era.

  • AARHMS-L: The American Academy of Medieval Historians (AARHMS) was founded in 1974 by a small group of historians who shared a common interest in medieval Iberia. Its purpose was to provide a forum in which they, and others, could discuss their current research.

  • ALBA :The Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives (ALBA) promotes international discussion on topics relating to the Spanish Civil War, the experience of the International Brigades, and the antifascist struggles of the 1920s and 1930s.

  • COLON: The objective of COLON is to promote discusssion on the use of new technologies for historical research on Spain and Latin America. COLON also aims to inform its members of new bibliographic resources for Hispanists.

  • ESPANA-L: A general discussion list on Spain. To subscribe: send e-mail to LISTSERV@VM.STLAWU.EDU; in the body of the message type SUBSCRIBE ESPANA-L followed by your name.
  • GCE: Guerra Civil Española (GCE) is a list devoted to discussion of any topic related to the Spanish Civil War. Preferred languages for postings are Spanish and English.
  • H-Cervantes: H-Cervantes is a network for scholars and active in studies related to Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. It encourages scholarly exchanges on all aspects of the author, his works, his circle, his times, and scholarship on the era, and welcomes participation by scholars/specialists from all disciplines.
  • Cervantes: A forum dedicated to Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.
  • Hispania: An academic discussion list devoted to all topics related to the Spanish language. Postings are in Spanish.
  • HISTANMEDER: Historia de España Antigua, Medieval y del Derecho (HISTANMEDER) is an academic forum on the ancient, medieval and legal history of Spain. Postings are mainly in Spanish but other languages spoken in the Iberian Peninsula are welcome.
  • IBERIA: IBERIA provides a forum for the dissemination of information and the discussion of matters of common concern among subject specialists, librarians, academic staff, postgraduate students and others in the field of Spanish and Portuguese studies
  • LAPEPA: A forum for those interested in the study of contemporary Spanish history from the Riot of Aranjuez (19 March 1808) through the present. The main objective of LAPEPA is to exchange information on resources and events particular to this subject rather than to create open discussions. Postings are in Spanish.
  • MEDIBER: An academic discussion list devoted to all aspects of Medieval Iberian literatures, languages, history, and cultures. The list welcomes queries and comments in all the modern romance languages of the Iberian peninsula and in English. To subscribe: send e-mail to; in the body of the message, type SUBSCRIBE MEDIBER [email address] [name].
  • REDER: Red de estudios y Difusión del Exilio Republicano de 1939 (REDER) is an academic discussion list created by a group of 80 professors and researchers from various universities and research centers in Europe and the Americas. The focus of this forum is the study and exchange of information pertaining to the Spanish republican exile of 1939.
  • Siglo XVIII: A discussion list devoted to all aspects of eighteenth-century Spanish and Spanish American literature, language, history, philosophy, law, and culture. The preferred language for postings is Spanish.
  • Foro del Hispanista: A forum for professors of Hispanic literature, art and culture. The list mediaded by the Virtual Center Cervantes (CVC). Postings are in Spanish.
  • Foro Didactico: A forum for professors of Spanish language.The list mediaded by the Virtual Center Cervantes (CVC). Postings are in Spanish.
  • Foro del Español: A forum for translators, professors and individuals involved professionaly in the study and use of the Spanish language.
  • Cyberia: A forum devoted to Spanisn medieval topics.
  • AHLM: A discussion group from the Asociación Hispánica de Literature Medieval (AHLM).
  • ESPAN-L: an open, unmoderated discussion list for teachers of Spanish language and literature.
  • COMEDIA: A theater discussion group from the Association of Hispanic Classical Theater.
  • Orfeo: A forum dedicated to Hispanic Renaissance and Baroque poets.
  • Forumlope: A forum dedicated to Lope de Vega.
  • Escritel: A discussion list devoted to the subject of writing. Postings are in Spanish.
  • Spanish Forum: The purpose of the Forum is to establish ties between Spanish educators in the Southwest and to discuss issues of communal interest.



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