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Association of College and Research Libraries, Western European Studies Section. This link
is specific to Iberian Studies.
- PhiloBiblon:
A project to construct a bio-bibliographical database of early texts produced in the
Iberian Peninsula and to provide online access to this information. PhiloBiblon
consists of three separate bibliographies:
- Labyrinth
Library: Iberian Texts: The Labyrinth provides free, organized access to electronic
resources in medieval studies through a World Wide Web server at Georgetown University.
- LANIC: The Latin American
Network Information Center is affiliated with the Institute of Latin American Studies at
the University of Texas at Austin. LANIC's mission is to facilitate access to
Internet-based information to, from, or on Latin America. Some information also available
on Iberian studies.
- TESEO: Index of
Spanish doctoral dissertations since 1976.
- Catalog
of Doctoral Thesis: Provided by the Biblioteca Virtual Cervantes.
- Thesis from
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- Thesis from
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
- Compludoc:
Index to periodical literature (with an emphasis on Spanish publications) created by
Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Subjects covered are: science, health, social science
and humanities.
The Center for Scientific Information and Documentation (Centro de
Información y Documentación Científica, CINDOC) belongs to the Higher Council
for Scientific Research (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas,
CSIC). CINDOC's aim is to analyze, collect, disseminate and promote scientific information
in all areas of knowledge. CINDOC has created several databases (limited
Information available for nonregistered users):
- CINDOC-Historia: The History Department of CINDOC
selects and indexes Spanish scientific periodicals containing historical information.
CINDOC-Historia has created three databases:
- ICYT: Database on science and
- ISOC: Database on human and social sciences
- ALAT: Database on Latin America
- ECOSOC: Database on economy, sociology, anthropology and political
- ISOC-ARTE : Database on art and music
- JURIDOC: Legal database
- LIN-LIT: Database on language and literature
- PSEDISOC: Database on psychology and education
- URBISOC: Database on geography, urban studies and
- ISOCFIL: Database on philosophy
Database on library and political sciences
- IME: Medical database
- CIRBIC: Union Catalog of the CSIC libraries
- DATRI: Database on research results from
- Parnaseo: A virtual literary
center devoted to the study of Spanish literature. Links to Spanish bibliographic
- Real Academia Española: The Spanish
Royal Academy has created two databases devoted to the Spanish language:
- CORDE (Corpus
Diacrónico del Español): compiles information on the history of the Spanish language
from its beginnings to 1975.
- CREA (Corpus de
Referencia del Español Actual): Compiles information on contemporary Spanish language.
- Cervantes
Project 2001: A project maintained by Texas A&M University - Department of Modern
and Classical of Languages. Created in collaboration with the Centro de Estudios
Cervantinos (Universidad de Alcalá, Spain) and Dr. Fred Jehle from Purdue University. The
Cervantes Project is composed of:
- Cervantes
International Bibliography Online (CIBO) The CIBO is a comprehensive bibliography of
studies, editions, and translations of Cervantes's works.
- Cervantes
Digital Library (CDL) The CDL contains several electronic editions of Cervantes's
complete works, including flexible interfaces and search engines with multiple options for
searching and displaying results. Copies of his comedies, plays, and other related works
are located in the CDL.
- Cervantes
Digital Archive of Images (CDAI) The CDAI aims to develop a digital archive of
photographic images on Cervantes's times and works suitable for teaching and research
purposes. The CDAI is currently being revamped for better search capabilities.
- Biblioteca Virtual Miguel
de Cervantes: A virtual library created by the Universidad de Alicante. Access to
digitalized Spanish literature classics.
- Centro Virtual
Cervantes: A virtual cultural center created by the Cervantes Institute. The cenvantes
Institute is a public institution founded by the Spanish government in 1991 to promote
Spanish language teaching and knowledge of the cultures of Spanish speaking countries
throughout the world. Links to digitalized Spanish literary classics and full-text
- RedIris: The Spanish National
Research Network. About 250 institutions are connected to RedIRIS, mainly universities and
R&D Centres
- Proyecto Clío: Spanish history
gateway. History resources for teachers and students.
- Gonzalo
de Berceo - Obras Completas: The full-text writings of Gonzalo de Berceo.
- Biblioteca Virtual
Joan Lluis Vives: A virtual library offering digitalized Catalan works.
- Biblioteca
Quijotesca: Critical works on El Quijote.
- Cibertextos
Castellanos: Full-text Spanish literary classics.
- Comedia
Textlist: A list of full-text classic Spanish plays created by the Association for
Hispanic Classical Theater. Standard texts prepared by a number of specialists in the
field of Golden Age theater studies.
- Catalonian Manuscripts
(1031-1555): Facsimiles. Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley.
- Selecció de Poesia
Catalana: Full-text Catalan poetry.
- Brown University
Catalan Literature Bibliography (BUCLIB): A fully searchable on-line database of books
by major Catalan writers from the Nineteenth and Twentieth centuries, and scholarly
literature written about them.
- Biblioteca Joan Fuster:
Electronic texts in Catalan
- Leer: A Spanish bibliographic
search engine. Lists books in print and other information materials available for
sale through bookstores, distributors and publishers. The items listed are written in
Spanish, Portuguese or other Iberian or Latin American languages. Products are not sold
through this site. Leer's purpose is to serve as a bibliographic tool for
materials currently in print.
- Bibliografía sobre la
Universidad de Salamanca: A bibliography on the history of the University of Salamanca
from the XVth to XVIIIth century. The items listed were written between 1989 and
- Preliminary
Bibliography of English Translations from Medieval Sources (1968-1991): Created at
Standford University.
- Digital
Scriptorium Database: A joint project of the Bancroft Library (University of
California at Berkeley) and the Rare Book and Manuscript Library of Columbia University to
digitize and make available on the World Wide Web the two universities' medieval and early
Renaissance manuscript holdings.
- Bibliografía de
Geología de la Peninsula Ibérica (BIGPI): A database containing information on the
geology of the Iberian Peninsula.Created by Universitat de Barcelona and Higher Council
for Scientific Research (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas,
- Instituto Nacional de Estatística:
The Web page of the National Statistics Institute. Access to statistics by subject.
- Spain: A Country
Study: Created by the Library of Congress. Last updated 1988.
- The
Hypertext Spanish Bible
- Como citar recursos
electrónicos: A Spanish style manual for citing electronic resources. University of